COM Hosts Elected Officials
College of the Mainland hosted a Legislative Breakfast on Monday, Nov. 19 to share its goals and successes with local elected officials.
U.S. Rep. Randy Weber, state Sen. Larry Taylor and newly elected state Rep. Mayes Middleton had a robust discussion with COM President Dr. Warren Nichols, trustees and members of the college leadership team. The district directors for the three elected officials also attended the breakfast held in the COM Conference Center.
Nichols gave a presentation on the college’s three goals of Student Success, Employee Fulfillment and Exemplary Facilities and how the college has set measurable outcomes. He also discussed the progress COM has made in meeting its goals.
Weber, who attended community college before graduating from the University of Houston-Clear Lake, expressed his appreciation for COM and community colleges in Texas for making obtaining a higher education a realistic goal.
Taylor, who heads the Senate Education Committee, questioned college administrators about any issues students are having when transferring to other Texas colleges or universities, while Middleton complimented the college for its work in offering dual credit courses to area high school students.
Nichols asked Taylor and Middleton to support increased funding for community colleges during the next legislative session which starts in January. Other issues include expanding career and technical education dual credit offerings and workforce continuing education as well as overall support for dual credit as aligned under the state’s 60x30TX plan.