COVID Financial Assistance Reporting Information
College of the Mainland (COM) has signed and returned to the Department the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution has used, or intends to use, not less than 50% of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.
CARES ACT Institutional Funds:
- As of 9/1/20, $883,941 of the Institutional Funds have been expended.
CARES Act MSI Funds:
- As of 8/14/20, COM Expended $64,657.07
HEERF, I, II, III Reporting
CARES Act, CRRSAA, and ARP Institutional and MSI Funds Quarterly Reports
- Submitted 07/2023 2nd Quarterly HEERF Report
- Submitted 04/2023 1st Quarterly HEERF Report
- Submitted 01/2023 4th Quarterly HEERF Report
- Submitted 10/2022 3rd Quarterly HEERF Report
- Submitted 07/2022 2nd Quarterly HEERF Report
- Submitted 03/2022 1st Quarterly HEERF Report
- Submitted 01/2022 4th Quarter HEERF Report
- Submitted 10/2021 Quarterly HEERF Report
- Submitted 1st Quarter HEERF Report
- Submitted 2nd Quarter HEERF Report
- Submitted 3rd Quarter HEERF Report
- Submitted 4th Quarter HEERF Report
CARES Act, CRRSAA, and ARP Students Aid Quarterly Reports
- As of the end of the 1st quarter of 2022 ending in March, $1,508,492.39 of CRRSAA(a)(4) and ARP(a)(4) Student Aid was distributed to 1552 College of the Mainland students.
- As of the end of the fourth quarter ending December 2021, $154,021.87 of CRRSSA (a)(4) and ARP (a)(4) Student Aid was distributed to 154 College of the Mainland students.
- As of the end of the 3rd quarter ending September 2021, $1,619,292.49 of CRRSSA (a)(4) and ARP (a)(4) Student Aid was distributed to 1833 College of the Mainland Students.
- As of the end of the fourth quarter ending June 30, 2021, $584,675 of CRRSAA (a)(4) and ARP (a)(4) Student Aid was distributed to 618 College of the Mainland students.
- As of the end of the third quarter ending March 31, 2021, $46,700 of CARES Act Student Aid was distributed to 52 College of the Mainland students.
- As of the end of the second quarter ending December 31, 2020, $62,000 of CARES Act Student Aid was distributed to 91 College of the Mainland students.
- As of the end of the first reporting quarter, September 30, 2020, $90,450 of CARES Act Student Aid was distributed to 132 College of the Mainland students.
- Spring 2020: 622 students received CARES funding for a total of $432,900.
- Summer 2020: 99 students have received CARES funding for a total of $67,550.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How much of COM’s CARES funding will be allocated as grants for student expenses?
- The total amount of funds that COM will receive is $883,942 for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students.
- When will funds be awarded?
- Funds were awarded for the first time on May 15.
- I have signed in but cannot apply. What should I do?
- Questions should be directed by email to or by calling 409-933-8810.
- Approximately how many students will be eligible for the CARES funding?
- At COM, up to 2,404 students are the total estimated number of students who are eligible to participate.
- What criteria will be used to determine which students will receive funding and how much they will receive?
The methods used by the institution to determine which students receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants and how much they would receive are:
Per the CARES Act, students must be eligible to receive Title IV funds to receive the grant. To be eligible for the Title IV funding and the HEERF grant, students must meet the following criteria as verified by the FAFSA and the COM Financial Aid Office:
- Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in a degree or certificate program.
- Not be enrolled in secondary school.
- Not owe an overpayment on Title IV grants or loans.
- Not be in default on a Title IV loan.
- Be a U.S. citizen or national, permanent resident, or other eligible noncitizen.
- Not have a federal or state conviction for drug possession or sale, with certain time limitations.
- Filed a 2019 FAFSA application “as part of the original financial aid application
process” a certification that includes:
- A statement of education purpose
- Student’s SSN.
The submitted applications will be reviewed by the CARES Act core review group who will ensure that the applications are complete and verify the following:
- Student’s mailing address;
- Student was enrolled on March 13. 2020;
- Student’s are Title IV eligible, as required;
- Student has not previously received HEERF funds for this emergency
Verified application applications will be forwarded to the CARES Act core team. Decisions will be made by the team and communicated to the students on an ongoing basis. The following criteria will be used to determine approval:
- Was the student’s application complete?
- Does the student have a FASFA on file?
- Did the student indicate his/her reason(s) for hardship as one or more of the following: food, housing, transportation, childcare, technology, healthcare, or course related materials?
- Was the student enrolled March 13, 2020?
- Has the student previously received HEERF grant funds for this emergency?
Individual grant awards will be given to approved students based on needs for the following:
- Utilities
- Housing
- Medical/Dental
- Transportation
- Childcare
- Food
- Technology
- Course Materials
College of the Mainland CARES Act Funding under Section 18004(a)(1) and 18004(a)(2)
Institutional and Minority Serving Institution Portions
Certification and Agreement for the Institutional Portion of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Formula Grants Authorized by Section 18004(a)(1) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
Agreement signed: 4/21/2020
Award Amount: $883,942.00
Current Expenditure Amount:
Date updated:
Use of Funds:
To provide funding to cover any costs associated with the significant changes to the
delivery of instruction due to the coronavirus. Institutions may use the funds to
defray institutional expenses under section 18004(a)(2) and section 18004(a)(3) may
include lost revenue, reimbursement for expenses already incurred, technology cost
associated with the transition to distance education, faculty and staff training,
and payroll. These funds must be used for expenses related to the disruption of campus
operations due to the coronavirus.
Certification and Agreement for an Award under Section 18004(a)(2) of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Minority Serving Institutions Portion
Agreement signed: 5/1/2020
Award Amount: $114,212.00
Current Expenditure Amount: $0.00 to be updated regularly
Date updated:
Use of Funds:
To address needs directly related to the coronavirus. The Recipient may use this award
to defray expenses incurred by Recipient including lost revenue, reimbursement for
expenses already incurred, technology costs associated with a transition to distance
education, faculty, and staff trainings and payroll.
If a MSI (College of the Mainland), Recipient may use prior awards provided under Title III, V, and VI, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.