Tammie Helms Employee of the Month

Drawing from her 30 years in industry, Tammie Helms assists students and staff in COM Occupational Health and Safety Program.
“Working with the students is the best part of my job. To be part of a student’s success story is so rewarding,” said Tammie. “You would be amazed at the small things you do that impact students.”
Tammie helps students with resumes, passes on job alerts and assists them with computer skills in the lab.
"A big part of the success of the occupational safety and health technology program is due to the hard work and dedication to the students that Tammie gives every day,” said Jeff Oakley, Coordinator of the COM Occupational Safety and Health Technology Program.
Tammie started with COM in 2006. Tammie previously worked in industry (electrical, pipeline, insulation and asbestos abatement) for 30 years and was the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers training director for five years.
“Working with the faculty of the Occupational Safety and Health program has also been rewarding. I have learned so much,” said Tammie. “Dr. Oakley has been incredible to work for; he and all the instructors truly care about the students and their success.”
After earning a one-year certificate or two-year degree, many former students still call Tammie and the instructors.
“If I can help them in the program and help them make good decisions, then I’ve done my job,” said Tammie.