Returning to school to become a process technician, Danny Magee faced one obstacle: math.

After a 12-year hiatus from school, Magee took the TSI placement exam, which showed he was not ready for the lowest level of developmental math.
To bridge the gap, he took the four-day intensive math workshop free at COM, which allowed him to retake the TSI test at no cost. He placed into the highest level of developmental math.
“It was the best thing that happened,” said Danny. “In one and a half weeks I learned enough to get in 0320. It was getting back on track with what I forgot in 12 years.”
Once in 0320, he had to pass the class to get into technical math, required for process technology majors. On his first test, he earned a 60 and turned to professor Alan Bigos for help.
“Even outside the classroom, you knock on his door, he’s willing to help,” said Magee. "Once I knocked on his door and he was eating. He’s so dedicated he offered to help me. He helped me for about 35 minutes.”
Bigos loves to help determined students.
“Danny told me he was going to do what it takes. (He was) going to improve this score.”
Magee succeeded.
“I came out of his class with an 88,” said Magee.
Now he’s on his way to technical math, and applying what he learned in the classroom and at home.
“My wife and I have seven kids between us,” said Magee. “What Mr. Bigos showed me, I help them with, graphs and slopes.
“I have to show them it’s not easy but you have to work hard for what you want.”