Emergency situations can happen at any time. Learn to effectively plan for incidents in a free Center for Risk Management workshop.
"Tabletop Exercises for Emergency Planning" will be held Friday, June 27, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Gulf Coast Safety Institute.  
Through activities and examples, the workshop demonstrates how to effectively develop, deliver and evaluate tabletop exercises. It offers methods and available resources for conducting emergency planning scenarios in industrial, community and academic environments.

This workshop will benefit any professional who wants to learn about emergency action planning or develop effective emergency scenarios for training.
Trish McIntosh teaches this class. A certified emergency manager with a master’s in public health, McIntosh created COM’s emergency management plan and regularly coordinates with county officials to create emergency plan. She previously worked as a public health preparedness epidemiologist and managed a million-dollar pandemic planning project for the state of Hawaii.
For more information or to register, call 409-933-8495, email shemphill@com.edu, or visit www.com.edu/gcsi.