"Rounding Third" hits home run at COM Community Theatre

For many Little League coaches, baseball can be summed in one word – fun. Or is it winning? Two coaches’ wildly opposing views on the game and the right way to play collide in “Rounding Third,” playing at COM Community Theatre April 24-27.
The two-man play stars Michael, a former Canadian curler who just wants to help kids
enjoy themselves, and Don, a competitive, over-the-top coach. When Michael takes over
as assistant alongside Don, conflict and laughs are bound to ensue.
No topic is too minor for the odd couple of Little League to debate, from how to motivate
players to why teaching 8-year-olds how to round the bases matters in the first place.
Their sons compound their differences - Don’s son faces a promising athletic career
while Michael’s son struggles to connect the bat with the ball.
“Anyone who’s been around Texas youth sports, or any school or office, will instantly
recognize both of these guys,” said co-director Rob de los Reyes.
In a rare moment at COM Community Theatre, de los Reyes and co-director Mark Adams
spar together on stage during this memorable, hilarious play.
"With baseball season getting underway, this is the perfect theatrical experience
to accompany it,” said Adams. “’Rounding Third’ is very funny and insightful about
parents, their relationship with sports and their kids."
Bring a friend (whether competitive or fun-loving) along for the laughs in this side-splitting
comedy that will resonate with sports fans and non-fans alike.
A fundraiser for the theater, “Rounding Third” is not part of regular theater season,
though discounts on tickets are available for season subscribers. Regularly priced
tickets range from $5 to $20.
The play will be at 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and at 2:30 p.m. Sunday.
For more information, visit www.com.edu/theatre or call 409-933-8345.