Discover more about world events through renowned expert Laura Robson’s lecture, “The Islamic Awakening,” March 4 at 12:30 p.m. in the College of the Mainland Learning Resource Center Auditorium. This event is free and open to the public.
An associate professor of Middle Eastern history at Portland State University, Robson received her doctorate at Yale, her Master of Studies at Oxford University and Bachelor of Arts at Tulane. She has received numerous awards and fellowships and recently published “Colonialism and Christianity in Mandate Palestine” (University of Texas Press, 2011).
Robson’s discussion is part of the Robert T. Handy lecture series, which seeks to educate COM students and the community on world affairs. The series is funded by Robert Handy, of Dickinson.
For more information, contact COM professor Steve Sewell at 409-933-8117 or