Cost should not keep any student from pursuing an education. In addition to offering a college education at a fraction of the cost of a university, COM is offering a variety of scholarships to ensure that all students can afford higher education.

New scholarships, open to COM students in any major, include the Maryann Urick Memorial Scholarship and the Logical Innovations Scholarship, which is funded by former COM students. To qualify, students must reside in Galveston County and have a 2.5 GPA or better.
To help senior adults training for a new career, the new Ada Faye Salsbury Senior Adult Scholarship is awarded to a student who is at least 55 years old and lives in the COM district.
In addition, the new Doctor Cool and Professor Heat: Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Scholarship is open to COM students in the continuing education Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Program.
For more information about scholarships, open for application through March 28, visit or call 409-933-8508.