Emergency Response Procedures
This guide contains generally recommended responses to a variety of dangerous situations. The guide can help COM students and employees reduce the dangers of an emergency. Actual emergencies are unpredictable, and responses must consider the unique situation. Recommendations provided in this guide may not be appropriate in every circumstance. If under the circumstances the recommendations in this guide would result in greater injury or damage, do not use them. In all situations, life safety is far more important that property.
In case of emergency, call College of the Mainland Police Department (COM Police).
From COM phone: dial 599
From outside or cell phone: (409) 933-8599
Off Campus Locations
In the event of emergency, off campus sites should call 9-1-1 first to request Police/Fire/EMS services, and then call COM Police at 599 or (409) 933-8599.
General Guidelines
Before an Emergency
- Familiarize yourself with this Campus Emergency Response Guide.
- Know two evacuation routes from ever classroom, office, or area where you spend time.
- Pay attention to who is in your classroom or immediate area.
- Know the location of key equipment:
- Emergency exits
- Fire extinguishers
- AEDs
- Fire alarm pull stations
- Telephones
- Participate in Emergency drills and exercises.
- Update your contact information so COM Alert reaches you.
- Keep Identification with you at all times.
- Learn CPR and first aid.
- Report suspicious items, people, or activity.
During an Emergency
- Assess the situation.
- Address life-threatening issues first: get somewhere safe, provide first aid, etc.
- Call COM Police – 599 or (409) 933-8599.
- Follow emergency procedures.
- Warn others if needed.
- Refer media to Marketing and Public Affairs.
After an Emergency
- Notify your relatives that you are safe, text is better than voice calls to keep lines open.
- Stay calm and take time to think.
- Move to a safe and secure place once it is safe to do so.
- Give assistance where needed.
- Monitor for COM Alerts.
- Do not enter a damaged building.
- Stay away from damaged electrical wires and wet equipment.
- Check food and water supplies for contamination before consuming.
- Check the web at www.com.edu for updated information.
- Use telephones for emergency calls only.
- Listen for instructions.
Standard Response Protocol
The SRP is a protocol where a collection of simple, uniform responses applies to a wide variety of situations. This can save valuable time in a situation, especially before detailed information and instructions are available. The SRP has been adopted widely throughout K-12 schools, and is increasingly used in higher education, churches, commercial environments, and more. The five actions for higher education settings include: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter. While specific situations (fire versus gas leak) may suggest additional steps for response, the initial actions of EVACUATE should prompt everyone to move towards the exit.

Hold is followed by “In your Room or Area. Clear the Halls” and is the protocol used when the hallways need to be kept clear of people. Hold could be called during an investigation, medical emergency, or other situation where foot traffic needs to be discouraged.

Secure is followed by “Get Inside, Lock Outside Doors” and is the protocol used to safeguard people within the building. At College of the Mainland, many outside doors can only be locked by COM Police. If a building is secured (all outside doors locked) individuals may move about freely within a building. If the outside doors cannot or have not been locked, treat a SECURE instruction the like LOCKDOWN and lock the door to the room you are in.

Lockdown is followed by “Locks, Lights, Out of Sight” and is the protocol used to secure individual rooms and keep people quiet and in place. Lockdown corresponds to the HIDE portion of Run/Hide/Fight.

Evacuate may be followed by a location, and is the protocol used to move people from one location to a different location in or out of the building. Evacuate may be used for fire, indoor chemical release/spill/leak, or other hazard within a building.

Shelter is always followed by the hazard and a safety strategy and is the protocol for group- and self-protection. Shelter is typically used for severe weather or hazardous chemical releases outside.
Alerts and Campus Closures
COM Alert System
COM Alert is the rapid notification system used to alert students, faculty, and staff of emergencies, closures, and other urgent information. Messages may be sent via voice call, text message, and/or email using the contact information provided in student or employee records. Messages sent via COM Alert will typically be brief and will lack details as they must be sent as quickly as possible. See the Emergency Notification System link on the Campus Police webpage.
Campus Closures and Disruptions
Occasionally operations for all of COM or specific facilities may be suspended due to weather, utility, hazards, or other issues. While instructors may cancel a class, only the COM President or official designee can close campus or cancel operations. Official notice of cancellation will be sent via COM Alert. If you receive information about closures or disruptions from other sources (friends, social media, broadcast news, etc.) please check the COM webpage to confirm status.
For additional information about evolving emergency situations at COM, see:
COM Social Media:
Temporary Closings
Only the president of the College of the Mainland can authorize campus closure.
Official information about possible closures or cancellations is available from the
- College website: www.com.edu
- COM Alert System: Blackboard Connect (Phone call/instant messaging)
- Email from the president or designee
- Campus Emergency Response Line: (409) 933-8500
Note about campus or class cancellation:
- Students: Class days missed due to emergency closing will be rescheduled as needed. Communicate with your instructors about any classes, assignments, or participation that must be rescheduled, modified or made up.
- Employees: Your department supervisor or the president will notify you regarding temporary cancellations or campus closings that are announced while class or business is in session. You should assume class is in session and the campus is open unless you confirm closure through your supervisor or one of the official information sources listed above. For any extended closures, please establish contact with your chain of command to ensure the continuity of college operations.
See the Hurricane section for specific instructions related to hurricane closures.
Active Shooter/Active Threat
Run, Hide, Fight
As a standard response to active shooter/armed aggressor/active violence incidents, COM uses the Run/Hide/Fight response.
- Run: Escape if possible.
- Hide: If escape is not possible. Barricade doors. Hide behind heavy furniture.
- Fight: Only as a last resort. Use objects as weapons. Work with others.
Locks/Lights/Out of Sight!
Lockdown is called when there is a threat or hazard inside the school building, and occupants need to secure their doors. This could also apply to the HIDE part of Run/Hide/Fight.
- Move away from sight of windows and doors
- Maintain silence (including phones)
- Prepare to evade or defend
- Lock doors, turn out lights
- Move away from sight of windows and doors
- Maintain silence
- Do not open door
- Take roll and mark time
- Prepare to evade or defend
Bomb Threat/Suspicious Object
Bomb Threat
In the event of a threatening call:
- If possible, transfer the call to COM Police at extension 599 or (409) 933-8599.
- Gather as much information as possible. Use this Bomb Threats Checklist.
- Notify someone nearby that you are talking to a threatening individual. Have the person call COM Police at extension 599 or (409)-933-8599.
- Do not hang up on phone threats; try to keep the caller talking.
- If the caller hangs up, immediately call the COM Police at extension 599 and relay pertinent information.
- Make a visual check if you are in the area of the threat.
- Stay on campus. You will be the first person the police will want to interview.
- COM Police will notify the campus President concerning the action to be taken.
If you receive a bomb threat in person, by email, on social media, or through any other means, contact COM Police immediately.
Bomb Detonation
- Call COM Police at 599 or (409)-933-8599
- Evacuate everyone from area.
- Maintain a perimeter of at least 300 feet from scene.
- Listen for guidance from Police and emergency services.
Bomb Threat Checklist
Capture as much information as possible.
Origin of Call:
- Call display/Caller ID details:
- Date:
- Time:
- Duration:
- Telephone number where call was received:
Caller’s Identity:
- Age, sex, other personal identifiers?
Voice Characteristics:
- accent, loud/soft, fast, speech patterns?
- Angry, distracted, deliberate, irrational, etc.
Background Noises:
- traffic, crowds, music, static, etc.?
Bomb Details:
- Where:
- When:
- Type:
- Size:
Caller’s Exact Words
Suspicious Mail or Package
Characteristics of a suspicious package or letter include excessive postage or excessive weight; misspellings of common words; oily stains, discolorations or odor; no return address or a city or state postmark that does not match the return address; or a package that is not anticipated by someone in the school or is not sent by a known school vendor. We suggest posting the attached document in mail opening locations.
If you receive a suspicious package or letter by mail or delivery service:
- DO NOT OPEN package or letter.
- Notify COM Police.
- Limit access to the area where the suspicious letter or package is located.
- Turn the letter or package over to law enforcement.
- Police will consult with emergency officials to determine:
- Need for decontamination of the area and the people exposed to the substance.
- Need for evacuation or shelter-in-place.
If you open a package or letter and find a suspicious object (possible bomb), substance (chemical or biological agent), or threat:
Suspicious Device or Object
If you find a suspicious device, package, or object:
- Do not turn on or use a cell phone.
- Secure the area, preserve the scene, and be aware of the possibility of more bombs.
- Evacuate the area.
- Call COM Police at (409) 933-8599.
Evacuation and Reentry
Building Evacuation
Evacuation is called when there is a need to rapidly move students and faculty/staff from one location to another. This could be due to a fire, chemical hazard, violent incident, or other situation.
- Bring your phone.
- Leave your belongings behind.
- Form a single file line.
- Be prepared for alternative instructions.
- Grab roll sheet if possible.
- Lead students to Evacuation location.
- Take roll, note time.
- When instructed to evacuate a building, be sure to move at least 100 feet away from the structure.
- Do not block roadways, doors, traffic, or escape routes.
- Do not get in your car and leave unless released by instructor, supervisor, or emergency personnel.
- Pay attention for any emergency communications.
- Based on the type of emergency, occupants may be instructed to evacuate farther from certain areas.
- All multi-story buildings have Areas of Rescue identified by signage. Individuals who need assistance evacuating from upper floors may wait in these areas for assistance. Individuals waiting in an Area of Rescue should let Building Monitors or other employees know to notify emergency responders of the need for help. STEAM building has Stair Chairs at both stairwells on the lake side of the building. These allow ordinary individuals to assist with evacuation.
Campus Evacuation
Campus evacuations may occur for various reasons (chemical release, criminal activity, hurricane, etc.).
- The president, chief of police and/or president’s designee will announce evacuations of all or part of the campus grounds.
- Everyone must immediately leave the area of concern.
- Instructors and their designees shall aid those in need of assistance or relay need for assistance to COM Police and emergency responders.
Information on the reopening of campus will be announced through official outlets: COM Alert and www.com.edu.
Anyone returning to campus prior to the full reopening of campus must have the official permission of COM Police and have campus identification on display at all times.
Know the location and operation of fire extinguishers, fire exits, and pull stations alarms in your area.
In the event of a fire RACE
R – Rescue any victims in immediate danger.
A - Alarm, turn in the alarm, active the pull station alarm and/or Dial 599 to notify Campus
C - Confine the smoke and fire to the area of origin by closing the door.
E - Extinguish -or- Evacuate...use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire if it is small enough for you to safely do so. If you are unsure or unable to do this then evacuate the immediate area.
Fire Extinguisher Use
Extinguishers are located throughout all campus buildings. Identify the two extinguishers nearest the areas where you work, teach, attend class, or spend time.
P = Pull the pin.
A = Aim at the base of the fire.
S = Squeeze the handle.
S = Sweep side to side.
Fire Alarms
- When the building alarm sounds, an emergency or a drill exists. Walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and alert others to do the same.
- If people need assistance evacuating, help them. If they are on an upper floor, they may wait on the outside landing area while you notify police or fire officers that they need assistance.
- Use the stairs. Do not use the elevators during the fire.
- Once outside, move to a clear area upwind, if possible, at least 100 feet away from the affected building. Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews.
- Do not return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by a police officer or other college emergency official.
- If you become trapped inside a building during a fire, stay near the floor where the air will be less toxic. Shout at regular intervals to alert emergency crews to your location. Do not panic. Contact COM Police 409-933-8599 or dial 9-1-1 and let them know of your position in the building.
Toxic Releases
Chemical/Radiation Spill/Gas Leak (On Campus)
Report any spill of a hazardous chemical or radioactive material immediately to COM Police at extension 599 or (409) 933-8599.
When reporting, be specific about the nature of the material involved and exact location. COM Police and/or COM Safety Office will contact the necessary authorities.
The on-site key person should evacuate the affected area at once and seal it to prevent contamination of other areas until the arrival of the COM Police officers.
Any people who may be contaminated by the spill are to follow laboratory safety response protocols for decontamination, avoid contact with others as much as possible, remain in the vicinity and give their names to COM Police officers. Required first aid and cleanup by specialized authorities should be started at once.
If any emergency requiring building evacuation exists, activate the manual pull-station building alarm system. Report the emergency to COM Police at extension 599 or (409) 933-8599.
If the building alarm is sounded, an emergency exists. Walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and alert others to do the same.
Assist the individuals who need help exiting the building. Do not use elevators; instead, use the stairs. Do not panic or cause others to panic. If individuals need assistance evacuating from an upper story, they may wait at the designated Areas of Rescue. Building monitors may radio for emergency responders to com assist with those waiting in Areas of Rescue, or others may inform emergency personnel upon arrival.
Once outside, move to a clear area upwind, if possible, at least 300 feet away from the affected building(s). Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews.
Do not return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by a police officer. After any evacuation, report to your designated campus area assembly point.
Natural gas leaks, leaving an odor in the building, may occur and may bring danger of an explosion. If an odor or leak is detected in the building, do the following:
- Call COM Police at extension 599 or (409) 933-8599.
- Follow your local building evacuation plan and evacuate immediately. Get students a safe distance upwind, at least 300 feet from the building.
Chemical/Radiation Spill/Gas Leak (Off Campus)
College of the Mainland main campus and other Texas City and La Marque locations are within the range of the Texas City petrochemical complex.
Community-wide Emergency Siren System
The Emergency Siren System with 16 sirens alerts the City of Texas City and the City of La Marque to possible dangers. Dangers may be a chemical spill, accidental chemical release, or any industrial emergency incident that might or can impact the area.
Regular siren tests
In order to ensure sirens are operational, City siren tests are performed every Wednesday at noon. Marathon siren tests take place at 11:15am and 11:45am every Wednesday.
When you hear the emergency sirens (non-test)
Go indoors; close all windows and doors; turn off the air conditioning. If you have signed up your phone(s) for emergency updates from the City of Texas City, you will receive notifications as information becomes available.
Know the siren signals
High - low - high - low - high - low - high - low - high - low: Go indoors
Single frequency continuous tone: All clear
While sheltering in place is the typical recommendation during an accidental industrial release, the alarms actually indicate that you should go indoors and seek additional information. Sheltering in place simply means staying inside the building you are in or seeking shelter in the nearest available building. It is the responsibility of the local authorities to notify COM Police to issue orders for sheltering in place during chemical emergencies generated off campus.
Shelter in Place
In the event of an industrial incident or toxic release of chemicals off campus that
creates a risk to the community, local officials may recommend shelter in place instead
of evacuating the campus. This simply means staying indoors until the emergency is
declared under control. This could be much safer than going outdoors where the air
could be unsafe. Campus police receive emergency notifications from local emergency
management officials. If the campus has received the recommendation to shelter in
place, the campus will be notified through a combination of an email from the COM
president, designee or chief of police; a COM Alert notification; or personal messengers.
To shelter in place for toxic release:
- Go inside immediately. Close all doors, windows, and other sources of outside air. The Facility Services Department will turn off ventilation systems in buildings controlled by the Energy Management System to keep toxic materials from entering buildings.
- Turn on your radio. During an emergency, stations will continuously broadcast instructions and appropriate actions to take.
- Additional information may be available from:
- Local radio stations
- Local television stations
- COM Alert
- Do not try to evacuate. Evacuation may be an appropriate precaution during a flood or hurricane, but you should not attempt an evacuation during a chemical emergency unless officials specifically order it.
- What if I can’t find shelter? Even a poorly sealed building or vehicle provides some protection against chemical vapors. If you are inside a vehicle, close your vehicle’s doors and windows and turn off the vehicle’s air-conditioning and ventilation system. Turn on your car radio for more information.
- Stay inside, sheltered in place, until you hear the all-clear message from local officials over the city’s siren system, telephone notification system, local radio station, COM Alert, or campus email system.
Facilities and Maintenance
For any non-emergency issues, please use the work order system.
Urgent maintenance-related problems include:
- Power (electrical) outages or electrical problems
- Water leaks or a ruptured water line
- Gas leaks
- Sewage problems
- Other issues with buildings or grounds that create dangerous conditions.
- During business hours, call Facility Services at extension 8401 or 8400.
- If you receive no answer at the above numbers and an emergency exists, contact COM Police at extension 599 or (409) 933-8599.
WARNING: Never touch live wires. Do not attempt to rescue a person experiencing electrical shock. Shut off power where applicable.
Elevator Issues
- If you are trapped, use the emergency phone in the elevator, push the alarm button or use a wireless phone to call COM Police at (409) 933-8599. Wait for help to arrive. Remain calm.
- If you discover trapped people, talk to them and try to keep them calm until an officer or other help arrives.
- Do not attempt to open elevator doors at any time.
Door Openings
COM police normally unlock campus buildings Monday through Friday between 6:30 and 7 a.m. Buildings are normally locked Monday through Thursday between 10 and 10:30 p.m. and on Friday between 5:00 and 5:30 p.m.
Employees must notify COM Police if they plan to occupy a building on weekends or when it is not normally open.
Medical Emergencies
All injuries should be reported to COM Police. When an injury, illness, or other medical emergency occurs, evaluate the situation and initiate appropriate action:
For life-threatening emergencies, get help immediately. Go to the nearest phone and call 9-1-1, then dial COM Police at extension 599 or (409) 933-8599.
The emergencies include:
- Unconsciousness
- Difficulty breathing
- Choking
- Seizures
- Chest pain
- Serious bleeding
For non-life-threatening emergencies, call COM Police at extension 599 or (409) 933-8599.
- Render aid as appropriate.
- If possible, send someone to meet COM Police and direct them to the incident. COM Police will direct emergency medical personnel to the scene.
If a person has collapsed and is not breathing:
- Perform CPR,
- Have someone call 9-1-1 and COM Police, and
- Send someone to get the Automated External Defibrillator (AED). AEDs are located in wall mounted boxes in each building on campus. An alarm will sound when you open the wall-mounted box. The AED will provide step-by-step instructions for use when the device is opened.
- If possible, have someone wait to meet incoming Police and EMS responders so they can immediately find the person in need of assistance and begin aid.
Police Issues/Security Concerns
Report all thefts on campus to COM Police. Record all serial numbers of valuables. Mark your car accessories so that they can be identified. Write your name in all textbooks. Do not leave valuables in your car and always lock car doors.
Obtaining Information About and/or Locating Students
Persons who come to the campus to obtain information about specific students or to locate students who are in class should be directed to COM Police, or you may call (409) 933-8403. Classes will be interrupted only in emergencies.
Use of Facilities/Trespass
Campus facilities such as the student lounge, gym, weight room, tennis courts, library, snack bar and bookstore are provided for the use of students, faculty and staff. As a rule, nonstudents may visit these facilities; however, they may be asked to leave if classes are in progress or if their presence prevents students and/or College employees from using a facility. Consequently, persons who use College facilities may be asked to produce identification proving that they are affiliated with the College in some manner.
Visitors/Nonstudents on Campus
College of the Mainland maintains an open campus and welcomes visitors. Nonstudents are subject to the same rules as students, including rules designed to preserve the College’s learning environment. Consequently, visitors who become disruptive may be asked to leave the campus.
Violent Crimes/Threats
Immediately call the Campus Police Department at extension 599 or (409) 933-8599.
Weapons on Campus
Concealed Carry
Texas law allows license holders to carry a concealed handgun on campus. To “break concealment” is to knowingly or intentionally allow a handgun to be seen by others.
If you believe that the weapon became visible unintentionally, let the concealed carrier know the weapon is visible. A responsible licensed carrier will cover the weapon.
If the weapon carrier refuses to cover the weapon or you feel threatened:
- Contact COM Police immediately at (409) 933-8599.
- Do not confront the individual(s) any further.
- Remain calm.
- Avoid escalating the situation.
The law and COM Policy CHF prohibit the visible display of handguns on campus, with the exception of licensed peace officers.
Licensed to Carry holders are not in violation of COM policy or Texas law unless:
- their weapon is plainly visible, and they refuse to conceal it or
- they are carrying in a designated weapons-free location.
Other Weapons on Campus
The College prohibits the use, possession, or display of any weapon without prior authorization from the College President or designee. Additionally, the following weapons are prohibited on College property or College-sponsored activities and events:
- Fireworks of any kind
- Incendiary devices
- Instruments designed to expel a projectile with the use of pressurized air, like a BB gun
- Razors
- Chains, or
- Martial arts throwing stars
Please report weapons to COM Police by calling (409) 933-8599.
Severe Weather
Alert Definitions
Watch: This is issued when conditions favor the development of severe weather within or close to the watch/listening area. During a watch, you should review severe weather safety guidance and be prepared to take appropriate actions if threatening weather approaches.
Warning: This is issued when a hazardous weather event is occurring or is imminent and is capable of posing a threat to life or property. If you are in the affected area, take immediate and appropriate action (seek shelter, evacuate to higher ground, etc.).
COM Emergency Management collaborates with National Weather Service and local emergency management partners to monitor tropical weather. The COM President makes the decision if and when to suspend operations. If they decide to close the campus, employees should do the following before leaving:
- Unplug all electrical equipment. Unplug computers, printers, copiers, etc. (NOTE: Do not unplug network cable.) Power surges could damage computer hardware.
- Where feasible, move computers and electronic equipment away from windows or outside doors and away from areas that have leaked in the past. Roof leaks are very possible during storms of this nature. Contact the Facility Services Department at extension 8400, and they will provide you with plastic to cover your equipment.
- Instructors with items outside should secure them or relocate them inside buildings. The maintenance staff will put loose items such as trashcans and signs away.
- Lock all windows securely.
- Clear personal items from office refrigerators.
- Confirm if laboratory refrigerators are on the back-up generator. Arrange for Facilities Services to move lab refrigerators if necessary.
- Refer to the Temporary Closing section of this guide.
This area is prone to surface flooding from fast or extensive rainfall. The main hazard from this flooding is hazardous driving conditions.
- Be aware of driving conditions.
- You can check highway conditions at https://drivetexas.org.
- Underpasses and intersections are particularly prone to flooding.
- Do not drive into flooded streets. Turn around and find another route or wait.
- In almost all cases, floodwaters will recede quickly once rain slows down or stops.
- On COM Campus, Parking lot B is prone to flooding. Areas where your car could sustain water damage are marked with signs. Avoid parking those areas on days with heavy rain.
- COM Alert will announce any changes to campus operations.
When campus is in a tornado warning area:
- The COM Alert system will automatically relay tornado warnings by text and email.
- Building Monitors will notify people in the area.
- COM Police will notify people outdoors to take shelter.
On campus:
- Stop activities and make announcement to group or class.
- Direct students where to seek shelter.
- Use a designated severe weather refuge area or room. If you cannot locate a designated refuge, seeks shelter in the innermost part of the building away from windows.
- Take position in a crouch facing the wall. Use hands to cover head and neck. In a refuge classrooms or office, you may get under sturdy tables or desks.
- Monitor cell phone or email for updates. Wait for an ALL CLEAR from COM Alert, Safety Liaisons, or COM Police.
In route or outside:
- Tune to local news channel, if possible.
- Find a safe place to stop.
- Take shelter, if possible.
- If outside with no shelter available when a tornado is imminent, take cover in a ditch or on low ground, but be aware of flooding.
- When in a safe area, stay where you are and do not travel into the warning area until the warning has expired.
Concerning Behavior/People in Need
On a college campus, we may witness many types of behavior that cause concern. This could range from annoying to disruptive, and occasionally even dangerous. As a member of the COM community, if you observe a behavior or situation that concerns you, please contact or refer the individual in need to the appropriate office below. All information will be kept confidential and will be used to help people in need.
If an individual is an immediate danger to themselves or others:
- Call COM Police at extension 599 or (409) 933-8599 immediately.
- Take steps to ensure your own safety and the safety of others.
The end of this guide includes a list of departments and contacts that may be useful for more specific needs.
Behavioral Intervention Team:
Use the online Behavioral Intervention (BIT) Referral Form to report concerning or potentially threatening student behaviors to the Behavioral Intervention Team. Use this form to report concerns such as:
- Self-injurious behaviors
- Concerns about a student’s well-being
- Class assignments that contain threats of harm to self or others
- Mood swings, and/or inappropriate display of emotions
- Erratic behavior (including online activities)
All documentation will be submitted to the director of Student Success Center for further review.
Student Complaint:
A complaint is an educational or personal issue or condition that a student believes to be unfair, inequitable, discriminatory, or a hindrance to his/her education. Students who have a complaint about their COM experience should complete the online complaint form and submit it to the Dean of Students Office. Students should allow ten (10) business days to receive a written response to their complaint.
Student Conduct/Discipline/Classroom behavior:
The Dean of Students handles complaints against College of the Mainland students. The complaint must indicate a possible violation of one or more of the rules of conduct or conduct regulations in the Student Handbook and policy. Please fill out an online form to report any violations concerning Student Conduct. The Dean of Students will review this form after submission and may contact you to describe the next step(s), to clarify, or gather additional information concerning the violation. The information submitted will not be publicly visible.
Sexual Misconduct/Title IX:
Sexual misconduct is any behavior that is:
- Non-consensual
- Of a sexual nature
- Committed by force or intimidation or is otherwise unwelcome
- Sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive so as to limit a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from a COM program activity -or- an employee’s ability to work in a non-discriminatory work environment.
This online Sexual Misconduct Incident Report Form is for incidents of Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment, Dating or Domestic Violence, and Stalking ONLY. Filing this incident report constitutes official notice to College of the Mainland and authorizes the institution to investigate the information and allegations contained within the report and seek resolution. This report is NOT confidential; however, Clery Act reporting does not include any personal identifying information. You may also contact the Title IX Coordinator at TitleIX@com.edu
Threat Assessment Team:
College of the Mainland seeks to foster a climate of safety that requires the involvement of all community members. To facilitate this process, all faculty, staff, students, and other community members are encouraged to report observed behavior that warrants concern for the safety of the community and/or the safety of an individual. The Threat Assessment Team (TAT) reviews reports and gathers information to make the most informed decisions about how best to intervene.
To report a threat, please call the Campus Police Department at (409) 933-8599 (emergency) or (409) 933-8403 (non-emergency). On Campus phones dial extension 599 for emergencies. You may also anonymously report concerns about threatening behavior to reportathreat@com.edu.
If uncertain what would be most appropriate:
- For student behavior/needs: Vice President for Student Services (409) 933-8213
- For staff behavior/needs: Human Resources (409) 933-8269
- For faculty behavior/needs: Dean of Students (409) 933-8131
Student Conduct
College of the Mainland’s policies regarding student conduct are contained in the College Student Handbook, produced and distributed yearly. Questions regarding disciplinary procedures and students’ rights and responsibilities are also included.
On-campus incidents that (a) disrupt the learning environment of the campus; (b) threaten the safety or security of students, staff or faculty; (c) involve the destruction of private or college property; or (d) violate local, state or federal law should be reported to COM Police at extension 599 immediately. Persons who witness violent altercations, or potentially violent altercations, should not place themselves at risk but should call COM Police immediately. COM Police will escort persons who feel threatened to their classes and cars.
Media/Marketing and Public Relations
The COM Office of Marketing and Public Affairs will handle communications between the College and the media.
Media Calls
The President in addition to the Executive Director of Marketing and Public Affairs are the official spokespersons for the College. However, others may be called to answer additional questions or comment on a situation on campus. While a College employee may have additional information about a news event, Marketing and Public Affairs can best direct media calls to the most appropriate sources.
Always call the Communications Officer if any media contacts you at any time. Routine events carry the potential for creating a negative image for the College if not handled correctly or in a timely manner.
Media Tips
(Please Note: You are not required to speak with the media, and you are always encouraged to refer them to the Communication Officer for assistance.) If a reporter from a newspaper, radio, or TV station calls and asks for a comment on a breaking story, here are some things to remember:
- You are never “off the record.” Whatever you say is important information to a reporter. They can and will use it.
- You do not have to talk to them, but do not say, “No comment,” as this can be interpreted to mean you know something but will not tell them. Instead, say something like, “I don’t have enough information to talk about that issue” or words to that effect. You can refer them to the Office of Marketing and Public Affairs staff and then let Marketing and Public Affairs know who called and what they wanted.
- You do not have to talk to them at that moment. You may say, “I can’t address that issue right now, but I will call you back.” Be sure to take down the name, newspaper, and phone number of the caller. Think about what you want to say. It is helpful to write down a few key words or phrases to remind you of your points. Then call the reporter back. Respect that reporters really are on deadline. If you respond too late, the reporter will have found another source or another story.
- If you talk to a reporter, just answer the question directly. Do not go on and on, even if the reporter pauses. This can be a technique to get you to say more than what is necessary. It is not a good idea to respond to hypothetical questions. Do not simply agree with a reporter’s statement unless it is entirely true. Do not let reporters put words in your mouth. Give your own answer clearly.
- Show the reporter how your story/program fits into the bigger picture such as a COM mission or national trends in higher education.
- Do not be surprised if the story does not come out as you intended. Reporters are supposed to produce a balanced story and will look for someone who will say the opposite of what you say. This is not intended to make you look foolish or inaccurate. It is intended to be fair reporting.
Contact Information
Dial 599 from any campus phone or (409) 933-8599 from any phone to contact COM Police for all emergencies.
Dial 9-1-1 to immediately request an ambulance for life threatening medical emergencies, or to reach Police/Fire/EMS for off-campus locations.
If calling from a campus phone you may dial the last four digits of the phone number to reach that extension.
- President: 409-933-8271
- Vice President for Instruction: 409-933-8229
- Vice President for Student Services: 409-933-8619
- Accessibility/ADA: 409-933-8520
- Culture and Engagement: 409-933-8413
- Title IX (sex/gender discrimination): 409-933-8413
- Veterans Center: 409-933-8455
- Vice President for Fiscal Services: 409-933-8262
- Campus Police:
- Non-emergency: 409-933- 8403
- Emergency: 599 from campus phone or 409-933-8599
- Emergency Management Coordinator: 409-933-8267
- Facility Services: 409-933-8401
- Grounds: 409-933-8203/8318
- Maintenance: 409-933-8401/8562
- Human Resources: 409-933-8269
- Information Technology Services: 409-933-8302
- Marketing and Public Affairs: 409-933-8437
Social Media:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/collegeofthemainland
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/comducks
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/collegeofthemainland/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoEF5MKfx55TwWYi8VKyguA
Emergency Resources:
Texas City Office of Emergency Management:
Galveston County Office of Emergency Management:
National Weather Service:
Poison Control:
Suicide Prevention:
COM Community and Mental Health Resource Page:
Police/Fire/EMS for off campus: