The COM Police Department provides security for College facilities and assistance to students, visitors, faculty and staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week. COM Police Department officers regularly patrol campus parking lots.


Dial 8403 from any phone on campus.


Dial 599 from any phone on campus.

Daily Crime Log

Campus Police daily crime log

Campus Police Policies and Forms

About the Department

The police officers of the College of the Mainland function under the authority of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedures, Texas Penal Code and the Texas Education Code with jurisdiction in any county where COM owns or controls property or may operate.

While the College strives to protect vehicles and private property when on its property, the College assumes no responsibility for care or protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time it is operated or parked on the College campus.

The use or operation of a motor vehicle on COM property is subject to the laws and regulations of the state of Texas and the policies of College of the Mainland.

Department Roster

Rodney Meyers

Rodney Meyers

Chief of Police

Vanessa Walker

Vanessa Walker


Jacob Williams

Jacob Williams


Kenneth Ingram

Kenneth Ingram

Police Officer

Jonovan Jeffery

Jonovan Jeffery 

Police Officer

David Quan

David Quan

Police Officer

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Justin Day

Police Officer

Nicole Butler

Nicole Butler

Police Dispatcher