What is SI?

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a series of review sessions, typically scheduled weekly in classes that have a SI leader assigned. These classes vary by semester, so check with your instructor to see if your class has a SI. Prior to registering for a course, you can also check with the assigned instructor or the Director of the Tutoring Center to see what classes already have a SI. SI sessions are facilitated by students (SI Leaders) who have already taken and done well in the course.

SI Leaders will guide you through class material in an environment where you are working with other students to discuss important concepts, compare notes, develop strategies for studying the subject, and test each other before you are actually tested by your instructor.

Important things to know about SI

  • SI sessions are FREE, VOLUNTARY, and open to ALL students in the designated SI courses.
  • SI sessions target the course, not the student. Therefore, SI sessions are comprised of students with varying academic abilities.
  • SI sessions not only involve active review of course content, but also focus on study strategies such as: note taking, organization, questioning techniques, vocabulary acquisition, problem solving/critical thinking, and test preparation.
  • SI leaders have not only already taken the course and received a high grade, but they also sit in on the class again, take notes, and read assignments to make sessions as relevant and beneficial as possible.
  • SI sessions are a place to go for extra help where you will work with your fellow peers in groups to solve problems related to course material.
  • SI sessions are led by a student who has taken and done well in the course / have a strong understanding of material, but they are not experts. Skipping class and going to SI instead will not help you!
  • You don't need to sign up in advance to attend.
  • SI sessions are not a place to go to get homework questions answered, rather it is to gain a deeper understanding of the material being covered in the course. If you have a quick homework question, you may want to consider going to the Tutoring Center instead.
  • Going to SI consistently is worth your time!