Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?
We are in the Public Service Careers Building. The address is 1205 Amburn Road, Texas City, TX 77591. We are across the street from the main campus and we can be found between the DPS and a Texas City Fire Department station—we share a driveway with them.
What are clinicals and how do they work?
The EMS Clinical Program at the College of the Mainland is an essential component of our Emergency Medical Services training, providing students with hands-on, real-world experience in pre-hospital and clinical settings. Designed to complement classroom instruction and practical skills labs, the clinical program ensures that students are fully prepared to deliver high-quality patient care in a variety of emergency medical situations. Please visit the Clinical Rotation Information page for more detailed information.
Is my (fire/military/other) physical acceptable?
Because we need program-specific release from your physician, you must use our Physical Form.
What if I think there may be a problem with my background?
Applicants who have incidents on their background, excluding traffic tickets, should submit a petition for “EMS Criminal History Pre-Screening” to Texas DSHS prior to applying to the program. Please be aware that DSHS evaluations could take 3-6 months for completion.
I am a nurse. How would I go about getting my paramedic certification?
Current registered nurses with at least one year ER or ICU work experience are eligible for a largely self-paced transition program which includes all program competency requirements. The RN to EMT equivalency can be started any time and takes approximately 2 to 3 semesters. Contact the EMS program director for more information.
How do I register?
Refer to the EMS Information Packet for information on how to apply and register to the program.
I let my certification lapse. How can I re-certify?
Refer to the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians for recertification information.