The multicultural committee is composed of college volunteers who work together to offer educational events celebrating nationally recognized holidays.

The multicultural committee aims to foster the awareness and appreciation of multiculturalism and global interdependence for students, employees and the community by sponsoring educational and cultural events and activities on campus.

Multicultural Committee Members Needed

COM Multicultural Committee Call for Leaders & Volunteers

Calling all leaders, changemakers, and innovators…if you would you like to volunteer or chair a sub-committee for the COM Multicultural Committee…we are looking for you! If you would like to help plan or lead events at COM focused on educating, and celebrating humankind or have an idea, submit your application for review. We look forward to your submissions and welcome all ideas and interests for consideration. Questions, contact Dr. Tanya Ingram

We also recognize Veteran’s Day and 9/11 organized through the Veteran’s Center

To apply for the COM Multicultural Committee visit

COM Recognizes the Following National Observances

Asian Pacific American Month

Asian Pacific American Month

May-celebrated in April at COM

Pride Month

Pride Month
