Faculty and staff interested in seeking external support for a project are encouraged to contact the Grants Office following approval from the appropriate Vice President. It would be beneficial to interested faculty and staff to discuss their proposed concept with the Grant Writer, Heather Blagg to determine the most suitable funding match. You should meet with Heather Blagg, to discuss the concept and ensure that it fits within the mission and annual priorities of College of the Mainland.

Please do not contact a funding source without discussing it with the Grants Development Officer. The sources for funding include: federal agencies, state agencies, private foundations and corporations.

Available Funding Opportunities

The following is a list of websites for information on available funding opportunities:

Federal Agencies

See www.grants.gov which has all of the federal opportunities listed in a searchable database.

State Agencies

Private Foundations

The Grants Office has a list of Foundations that have an interested in Community Colleges. COM has received grants from Moody Foundation, Houston Endowment, the Meadows Foundation and the Brown Foundation.


The Office of Planning, Effectiveness, Analytics and Research is another valuable resource for grant development. OPEAR provides timely, accurate, and institutionally-relevant data crucial to the development process of grant related proposals/projects. IR assumes the responsibility of generating and/or supervising the development of all official College data reports. Dr. Teri Walker is the director of institutional research and can be reached at 409-933-8150.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

College and federal policies require that research projects which involve human subjects undergo a review by the established Institutional Review Board. Therefore, all research involving human subjects conducted under the auspices of College of the Mainland must attain IRB approval before the initiation of any data collection. The IRB is comprised of faculty and staff from various departments and disciplines that evaluate and approve protocols presented for the use human subjects in research. Dr. Teri Walker is the head of the Institutional Review Board and can be reached at 409-933-8150.