Chemical Engineering
Make the breakthroughs.
Chemical engineering is one of today’s most versatile engineering fields. You’ll design safe, sustainable, and economical equipment for large-scale chemical or biological manufacturing plants or protect the environment by inventing cleaner technologies or modeling the environmental impacts of chemical processes.
The Associate of Science in Chemical Engineering is designed for students who plan to transfer to a Bachelor of Science degree program at a four-year college or university.
Program Details
Next Start Date
Fall 2022
Learning Format
Face to Face
Program Length
4 semesters (full time)
Degree Plan
View in course catalog
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Career Insights
Occupational summary for Chemical Engineering

26,300 Annual Job Openings

9% Projected Growth

$108,540 yr* Median Salary
See their Success
Meet these College of the Mainland grads to discover how our programs meet you where you are and take you where you want to go.
Meet Vincent Marmolejo
Chemical Engineering
I'm looking forward to the robotics. We're going to program them to do simple tasks. At the end of the semester we get to battle the robots against each other.