The College of the Mainland Administration Building.

The College of the Mainland (COM) Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that we have selected three (3) finalists for the President of COM. We would like to thank the entire College community for your continued interest and support in the process to identify our next President. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank each member of the Presidential Search Committee for their exceptional insight, work, and effort.

The College of the Mainland President finalists are (in alphabetical order):

Helen Castellanos Brewer, Ph.D., is the Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs of College of the Mainland in Texas. Previously, Dr. Brewer served as the Vice President for Student Services of College of the Mainland in Texas. Dr. Brewer earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Education Leadership, Management, and Policy from Seton Hall University; a Master of Arts in Counseling from Trinity Washington University (formerly Trinity College); and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from University of Maryland-College Park.

Kyle Dalpe, Ph.D., is the President of Western Nevada College in Nevada. Previously, Dr. Dalpe served as the Provost and Senior Vice President of Western Nevada College. Dr. Dalpe earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership from The University of Nevada, Reno; a Master of Arts in Journalism/Speech/Political Science from the University of Texas at Tyler; and a Bachelor of Arts in Photojournalism from the University of Connecticut.

Joseph (Joe) Seabrooks, Jr., Ph.D., is the President of Dallas College Cedar Valley Campus in Texas. Previously, Dr. Seabrooks served as the President of Metropolitan Community College in Missouri. Dr. Seabrooks earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary, Urban Leadership, and Policy Studies and Education from University of Missouri-Kansas City; an Education Specialist degree in Higher Education Administration from University of Missouri-Kansas City; a Master of Arts in Higher Education Administration from University of Missouri-Kansas City; and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Public forums will take place the week of March 10, 2025 and each candidate will participate in a 1-hour forum.We invite and encourage everyone to participate in the open forums. Forums will be made accessible to all faculty, administrators, staff, students, and the general public. There will be a brief introduction of each candidate, followed by a question-and-answer session. Forums will be conducted in-person in LRC-131. All who attend will be asked to complete a feedback form and the completed forms will be given to the Board of Trustees for their review.

Open Forum Schedule:

Monday, March 10, 2025
Dr. Joseph (Joe) Seabrooks, Jr.: 2:30 p.m. (LRC-131)

Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Dr. Helen Castellanos Brewer: 2:30 p.m. (LRC-131)

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Dr. Kyle Dalpe: 2:30 p.m. (LRC-131)

We are looking forward to the successful completion of the presidential search process. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to our ACCT Search Consultant: Stephen Head, Ph.D., ACCT Search Consultant, at, (832) 754-5973.