College of the Mainland Trustees Call for $250 Million Bond Election

With students and their success at the forefront, the College of the Mainland (COM) Board of Trustees on Monday, January 23, unanimously approved calling for a $250 million May bond election to address enrollment and program growth, aging facilities, safety and security, and infrastructure improvements with plans for four new buildings.
The bond election, which was called following a recommendation from community members, calls for the construction of a Corporate & Continuing Education Center, Public Services Center, three-story classroom building and Library/Classroom Building which will house new programs in hospitality management and aerospace/aviation.
The bond proposal also calls for additions and renovations to the Welding Building, College Services (PSC), Industrial Education Building as well as infrastructure upgrades and campus improvements. Aside from the new construction and renovations, the bond program will see the demolition of the Learning Resource Center (LRC) building, racquetball court, firing range and college services building.
“While our community is rapidly growing and evolving, our facilities and programming should also be ready to adapt to this change,” said Dr. Bill McGarvey, chairman of the board of trustees. “We are confident that this move will continue to propel the work we’re doing to move our students and communities forward in educational excellence.”
COM trustees approved calling for the bond election in a 7-0 vote following a presentation earlier this month by community members Ivan Langford and Chris Delesandri.
Through the 2018 bond program, COM has successfully completed the initial phases of the COMPASS 2025 Facilities Master Plan on time and on budget. The 2023 bond proposal will allow the College to pursue the completion of the plan by directly addressing the region’s immense growth, and ensuing education and workforce training needs.
“College of the Mainland is committed to propelling our community forward through
our common goal of creating a better future for tomorrow’s learners,” said Dr. Warren
Nichols, president of College of the Mainland. “This bond proposal will ensure that
we have the capacity and infrastructure to support next generation learning environments
for the growing needs of our students and community.”
Community members from within the college’s taxing district of Dickinson, Hitchcock,
La Marque, Santa Fe and Texas City met throughout the fall 2022 semester to review
the College’s long-range master plan for academics, program offerings and construction.
The buildings proposed in the bond package respond directly to identified needs outlined
in COMPASS 2025.
The bond package itself evolved in response to the communities’ education needs, and prioritizes innovative learning options to effectively prepare the workforce of the future. The College and its students are an economic engine for the booming region which has seen an expansion in maritime operations and hospitality as well as aerospace/aviation, health care and logistics.
The 2023 Bond is expected to cost $32.72 per year, or 63 cents per week, on a home valued at $100,000, less exemptions.
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