United Way Employee Campaign 2018
Syllabi, Résumés and Evaluations
Review course syllabi, faculty résumés and course evaluations.
2018 Campaign Goal: $12,000
Thank you to all the COM employees who supported the Galveston County Mainland community through donations and the gift basket auction last year! Together, we reached our 2017 goal!
This year’s United Way Employee Campaign will run from October 29 – November 16, 2018.
United Way fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in every community.
Upcoming Events
We will have our KICKOFF BREAKFAST on October 29, 2018 from 8 – 9 a.m. in the COM Conference Center. Please join us and learn about the FANTASTIC ways United Way supports our community.
New to United Way? Want more information? We will be taking a bus tour of a few of the UW Agencies on November 9, 2018 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Please email ldownton@com.edu if you would like to attend or need more information.
Weekly quiz emails – watch for our weekly quiz emails and WIN!
Luncheon for COM Champions – become a COM Champion and receive an invitation to a home cooked luncheon prepared by Chris Delesandri.
COIN WARS – details coming soon!
Ready to Create the Winning Auction Basket?
See the attachment for more information or contact Michelle Gerami (mgerami@com.edu) at ext. 8351
Be Informed
Check out the Frequently asked questions at https://uwgcm.org/about-uwgcm/faqs/
2018 United Way Committee
- Rosie Rojas
- Michelle Gerami
- Ramona Wadding
- H. Russ Brown
- Leanne Downton
- Mary Ann Amelang
- Trudy Trochesset
- Charlie King
- Ruth Duke Rendon
- Ron LeVick
- Mary Canton
- Sandi Belcher
- Christine Brasher
- H. Russ Brown
- Joyce Palmer
- Christine Jang
- Warren Nichols
- Mary Dehart
- Carlos Torres
- James Schroeder
- Cassandra Himes
- Laura Divine
- Gregory Benefield
- Joel Philistin
- Jimmie Delanoix
- Vicki & Richard Stanfield
- Denese Angelle
- Andrea Fillip
- Sandra Guzman
- Doris T. Butler
- Nancy Chacon
- Tammy Stafford
- Tige Cornelius
- Detra Levige
- Scott Turnbough
- Ramona Wadding
- Leanne Downton
- Staci Mizell
- Brad Denison
- Vanessa Walker
- Rosie Rojas
- Michelle Gerami
- Ginger Hinckley
- Theresa Jones
- Maegan Guzman
- Kathy Goldfarb
- Sharon Neves
- Jimmy Wren
- Luanne Wren